Welcome to Transport Workers Tax Service

US Postal Service Mailing address:

Transport Workers Tax Service

PO Box 1423
Ellicott City, MD 21041
Colleen's Cell: 443-545-6316


My cell phone number is 443-545-6316, I recognize many of you are in different time zones or not available during reguarly scheduled business hours, do not hesitate to call me on my cell. I will share many times my voice mail is FULL. I DO RETURN MISSED CALLS. Too frequently I find myself listening to messages only to return calls and have same information repeated, so to save all parties time I will just return ‘missed calls’.

Feel free to text me, if you want a phone call in response, please advise ideal time and I will do my best to match that time.

Please realize from February 1st- April 18th I am extremely busy so response time may be a bit delayed..

APRIL 19 – APRIL 23rd THE OFFICE IS CLOSED! I will not be accepting any calls at this time as I will be on my annual yoga outing. My staff will be in Monday April 24th and I will return April 26th.